Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reviews and such

2 am, can't sleep and got another chapter in the book written. I am working on 2 books right now, part 2 of 3 years after... And a survival guide for the apaocolyspe. My wife says not to give away my secrets for survival.

I really let that guys shitty review effect me, and after emailing and chatting with a few friends, Mark Tufo, and my editor Mo Happy, I have decided not to worry about some guy who thinks my book is bad. My name isn't Twain, King, koontz, or Clancy, so why should I take what he says to heart? In the great email I got "these people criticize your writing, it is like someone belittling your kids in public" and that is the damn truth.

I am enjoying the writing, and think I am doing an ok job, hell, it was a huge relief ro get it out there, and now I have sold over 100 books, I didn't think I would sell 20. Thanks to everyone out there.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Close to goal 2!

Hey everyone! I am close to goal 2, and the editing process "Monique Happy" is going great.
I cannot wait to get the edited copy out there for more people to read.

A few things, there have been some really great reviews, some ok reviews, and then the fateful 2 star review. I got dogged out because I apparently didn't do enough zombie research, or in my eyes, didn't sue everyone else's theories. I have read a plethora of authors from this genre. They are Recht, Payjecht. Tufo, Bourne, and many others. I have also read the Zombie survival guide, and watched a ton of movies.

My world I am writing about is very different from the other ones that have been written. I hop that some people understand this, and can bear with me through the series. It is a little over the top, but being told I am terrible, and my story sucks, well that stings a little. For those that like it, the edited version will be better, and book 2 should have a foreword, and also be edited prior to release.

I am writing this series as something to do in my spare time, if you like it, that is great, if you hate it, maybe my style doesn't for you. I have read good books since having a kindle, bad books, and found new series. I will post after we make sales goal 2 "100" books. Look forward to how the story in book 2 is progressing.

G R.